KODI The new FREE TV Streaming Sensation

For expats living in Qatar, one of the things that can keep them in touch with back home is the ability to watch TV content from their native country. In the past I have written about various ways of achieving this via VPN or Magic DNS. Both of which require annual subscriptions. However, there is a completely free way of streaming TV content from all over the world using a wonderful piece of software called KODI.

KODI is extremely controversial because it allows the viewing of content that would normally have to be paid for. Yet KODI itself is not illegal to download, own or use. This is because it has many completely legal and useful features. It’s a powerful media player bringing all of the content on your networked or single devices together.

Whilst KODI is legal and easy to download for free, as well as easy to use. There are numerous free Add-Ons that give you access to TV stations and the ability to stream movies (even movies still showing at theatres right now) as well. And these add-ons would most certainly be classed as pirated content. KODI can be installed on Windows computers and also on small dedicated devices running other operating systems such as Linux and Android which can easily plug into your TV using a HDMI cable. In the UK there have been arrests of vendors selling TV Box’s pre-installed with KODI which has been preconfigured to gain access to pirated content.

You can download and install KODI on your Windows computer right now if you want. Simply click on this link: https://kodi.tv/download

Follow the instructions and voilà you have a legal, powerful media player.

Now you can start installing add-on’s. Legal ones of course. If you install and use illegal ones, well that is up to you if your conscience will allow.

To install the YouTube add-on for example, click ‘Video add-ons’ and scroll down the list to YouTube. Click the install button and the add-on will download and install automatically. You will get a notification telling you that it was installed successfully. You will find your new add-on in the Add-ons section of the main menu.

Instead of adding your own add-ons one by one, you can also install what is called a ‘Build’. This is a pre-made pack of add-ons. A very popular ‘Build’ is one called Apollo.

If you are technically minded, follow the instructions bellow to install.

Before you can install a new build you will need to enable installations from ‘unknown sources’. Click settings, ‘System Settings’ and select Add-ons. Look for ‘Unknown Sources’ and move its slider to the right then click [Yes] when prompted.

Next click ‘Settings’ (the gear icon on the main menu), then file manager and click ‘Add Source’. Then double-click None and type http://repo.ares-project.com/magic then press enter. You need to give the media source a name, you can call it anything but let’s call it Apollo. When you click [OK] the download will begin.

Once downloaded you need to install the build. Go back to the main menu and click ‘Add-ons’. Then click the BOX icon at the top left of the screen. Then click ‘Install from zip’. Double-click the Source that you just named Apollo, then click repository.aresproject then repository.aresproject.zip and finally [OK]. Next click Add-ons (the BOX icon again) and ‘Install from repository’, Ares Project, ‘Program add-ons’, Ares Wizard and then Install.

Now press the escape key on your keyboard [Esc] a few times to return to the main menu and click ‘Add-ons’. Then double-click ‘Ares Wizard’. Then click [OK] when prompted. The Ares Wizard will open after a short delay, then within the Ares Wizard click ‘Brows Builds’ and then ‘Apollo’. Click Get PIN. Your browser will open and you need to write down the PIN. Then click ‘Enter PIN’ and type your PIN in. Then click ‘Install’. Once installation has completed you need to close and re-open KODI. Your new looking KODI is the new Apollo Build.

Ignore any requests to sign in and click [Cancel] to dismiss the message. Also ignore any error messages.

You’ll see all kinds of legitimate Add-ons listed, such as iPlayer, ITV, YouTube. Along with others that have copyrighted material, use of those is at your discretion.


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